Aric Satre
Aric has portrayed Michael in Peter Pan, Edmund in Narnia, and Lazar Wolfe in Fiddler on the Roof Jr. He has performed in church plays and won in his school’s Talent Show in March singing Let It Be by the Beatles. Below are photos of Aric as Bishop, Foreman, Grantaire, Male Company.
Theatre de Jeunesse does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, mental or physical challenge, or national origin in its programs or policies.
Cast Members
Alex Collins, 2012
Once Upon A Mattress
Hanah Bell, 2011
Les Misérables School Edition
Katelyn Tennant, 2012
Once Upon A Mattress
Celia Smith, 2013
The Pirates of Penzance
Site by Frogtails