Brady Miller
This is Brady’s second year with Theatre de Jeunesse. He appeared last year as Samuel in The Pirates Of Penzance. He has also performed onstage for Parkersburg High School Players, most recently as Sammy in The Wedding Singer. Brady also appeared as Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit for the Mid-Ohio Valley Players.
Below are photos of Brady as Arthur.
2013—Pirates of Penzance
Below are photos of Brady as a Samuel.
Theatre de Jeunesse does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, mental or physical challenge, or national origin in its programs or policies.
Cast Members
Hanah Bell, 2011
Les Misérables School Edition
Emily Ludwig, 2012
Once Upon A Mattress
Shayla Barnett, 2013
The Pirates of Penzance
Danielle Braham, 2013
The Pirates of Penzance
Payton Burkhammer, 2012
Once Upon A Mattress
Site by Frogtails